Danby Roots

The Danby Roots Party is a new independent third party in the Town of Danby.


Who are we and why are we running?

Running for public office has never been a quest nor desire for any of the 3 of us. Never! But we are so concerned by the control and removal of choice by current leadership in our town.  We are a politically diverse trio and motivated by the common goals below in our platform.

Danby Roots Platform

  1. The government that governs best, governs least (fewer regulations are better)
  2. Choices vs Control. We are for the People of Danby to have choices to pursue Life, Liberty and Happiness
  3. We believe in common sense leadership that doesn’t have an agenda- we represent you.
  4.  We will listen to you.
  5. Individual situations and problems will be dealt with on an individual basis without regulating everyone (because one size doesn’t fit all!)
  6. Do your own thing, let others do theirs

Below are what we find upsetting in brief by the current Town Supervisor and Town Board (detailed position papers are available for each)

  1. Not feeling listened to by the Town Board. There are a considerable number of Danby residents who feel ignored, shut down and cancelled by the town board over the last 20 years. That was obvious by the strong emotion from the get go at the April meeting. We want these residents to re-join town activities and governance, as well as all residents.
  2. Town Clerk and Highway Superintendent- Do voters choose them or will the Town Board?  This is currently about the Town Board’s displeasure with the current Clerk and her accurately reporting minutes, but not to their political benefit. Its about writing a law aimed at one person. It’s about control, and lack of transparency, and in the process they want to remove your right to vote for your public officials.
  3. Zoning Law: The rights of landowners in Danby had their development rights greatly reduced, as well as pushing a high-density Hamlet without consulting those who live in the Hamlet.  This was all done under the pretense to stop suburban sprawl from Danby and keep the feel of open space in town. It actually accomplishes the opposite. It also involved a Regulatory Taking which ultimately reduces our property values.
  4. Noise Ordinance: For the 3rd time the Town Board has taken up this issue. Even with 70 people out of 70 residents at the public hearing, all AGAINST the idea of a noise ordinance, the Town pushes forward. They refuse to accurately report the truth about this meeting. They use the Town News as their Agenda/Propaganda tool to misinform the public and Danby residents.
  5. Proposed Logging Law: 2 logging projects in the past 10 years have created this response from Town leadership- Keep in mind thousands of logging and timber harvests have occurred without any negative effects. Now, according to a proposal I read, they want all logging projects to not only get a permit with a list of trees being harvested (current industry standard), but to provide a scaled drawing of where each tree will be removed within the woods (NO ONE does this) . How many loggers will work in Danby under this micromanagement, with such controlling laws and ideologies?
  6. Short Term Rentals regulation. The 80 plus Airbnb’s in the town of Danby somehow alarm the current Town Board members. Highly populated urban areas like Ithaca have sought to regulate because of parking issues. Danby has no such issues. A suggestion to put forth recommended “Best Practices for STR” by Town leadership would be much better than permits and regulation. Not sure the current leadership will do this though. Initial verbal reports at Town Board meetings from Board members said the mailed survey brought equally divided for and against regulation. More recent comments have revealed half were for absolutely no regulation and in full support, a few against, and the rest for minor regulation. Why cut off the opportunity for residents to earn income, support their families, and bring in tourism to Danby and our region (that generates money and boosts our economy)?
  7. Conservation Easement: This law was just passed in July as it was written with 15-29, 30-49, 50-80, and permanent categories. But Russell certifies from a first-hand conversation that current Town supervisor wanted it for his own liking and NOT for the landowners for whom it was written. This was until he learned that he could not change 15-30 years to 29.5 years. Now he claims in the Town News that he’s for the large landowner. I guess this is a political flip flop -- be careful of trusting him!
  8. Too much of an authoritarian Town leadership: passing laws to rectify individual problems instead of personal intervention by Town Supervisor to resolve using current channels.

We appreciate the time and effort our opponents have given to serve our town.  This is only an election. Three will win and the other three will lose. ( obviously we hope to win!). In the end, we need to be neighborly and kind to one another.

There are distinctive differences between the incumbent candidates and the three of us Danby Roots candidates.

We want to include and listen to all Danby residents.  We are concerned about those feeling marginalized and without a voice. In meetings we want to open it up more for residents to speak up, join the conversation and input their ideas.

We want to lead through a consensus where the majority doesn't simply run roughshod over the minority.  Instead, we'd like compromise outcomes.

We want the Clerk and Highway Superintendent to remain elected officials,  and not take away your right to vote for them.

We want zoning that doesn't drive up rental prices or first home costs artificially because of poor regulations.

We want to make Danby more business friendly,  and not as burdensome to get approved, as it has been in the past decade or more.

The land owners who provide our views need to be supported in their taxes and their land use.

Timber management does not need to be managed through permits. If the Town decides it doesn't want clear cuts, then limit timber harvests above 35% of timber removed. (cuts that are not selective management  harvests)

Involve residents who have expertise to give guidelines for Short Term rentals instead of regulations, as there has been no issue as yet.

Meet the Candidates

Mauricio Medina

Mauricio Medina

Mauricio Medina is running for Town Board. Read his bio for more...


F. Kevin Feeney

Kevin Feeney is running for Town Supervisor. Read his bio for more.

russell headshot1

Russell Nitchman

Russell Nitchman is running for Town Board. Read his bio for more...

We need your help.


Spread the word that there is an alternative party running in Danby. We need all three of us to get elected to be able to change the balance of power on the board and bring a bit of reason back to the town. Tell your friends about us. Ask them to pass the word too. Bring people to the polls. This is an uphill battle and we need all the help we can get.

You can contact us at


Thank you.


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